Monday, May 23, 2011

Quick Tips To Raise Your Low Self Confidence

Learning to Believe in Yourself
Of all the attributes you need in order to succeed, which do you think is the most important? Skills? Of course you need to learn those. Hard work? Definitely a help on the road to success. Luck? While it certainly can play a role, that's really not something you can control. How about connections? Again, certainly helpful but not the most important factor.
Actually, it's none of those.
It's self confidence. As Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can, you're right and if you think you can't, you're right."
What is confidence? It is the belief that we are able to do certain things and do them well. If we believe we can "fit in" in a social situation, we are more likely to do just that. If we believe we can succeed in our work, there's a good chance we will. If we believe that we are a worthy person with good ideas and strong skills, soon we'll inspire others to think the same.
Being confident is not something we're born with; well at least not most of us. It's something we must learn, then practice every day of our lives. We must understand how to gauge our levels of self confidence so we can tell if it is helping or hindering our success. Too little confidence and we fail; too much and we become arrogant.
The first step is to assess your inner feelings. If you feel as though you're constantly being walked on and taken advantage of, or incapable of accomplishing more than you have in life, it's time to learn how to improve your confidence in yourself. Follow these self help tips and you'll be off to good start...
Begin with your appearance. Those who look confident and act confident are perceived as being confident. Dress comfortably, but neatly, and with some style. If you're a jeans and t-shirt person, step up to pressed khakis and polo shirts (or at least invest in better quality jeans and tees). Stand up straight; good posture makes you look positive. Get a haircut, either in a new style or an update of the one you have. Walk with your head up and take longer strides, Avoid looking down; it makes you appear as if you are fearful.
Now you're ready to tackle interactions. Stop mumbling, instead speak clearly and look into the eyes of the person you're talking to. (Hint: if you have trouble maintaining eye contact, look at the bridge of the other person's nose; they'll never know the difference.) Switch from making negative comments to making positive ones, especially when speaking about yourself. Rather than saying "I don't think I can do this" try "This will be a challenge, but I'm ready for it!"
Once you've tried these ways to increase your confidence fast, keep it up. Every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that once again today you will stand tall, dress well, speak up, and insert positive thinking into every conversation. If you do that, you'll become happy with your life and your purpose - before you know it. That's really what self confidence is all about.

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